Treasure Hunt : Finding new recipe ideas

  • on April 5, 2015
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Weekly Meal Plans went out to find some tasty ideas for new recipes we could introduce into our meal plans​. Always on a hunt for clever, easy recipes that will make our subscribers excited about dinner.

We want them to feel like this subscriber who sent us this message over the weekend :

“I NEVER used to cook on weekends. Now we just dont wanna have takeaways….. not after we been spoilt with such yummy dishes. Cant believe I’m cooking on Fridays and Saturday nights. Tx you both for all your effort”

“I NEVER used to cook on weekends. Now we just dont wanna have takeaways….. not after we been spoilt with such yummy dishes. Cant believe I’m cooking on Fridays and Saturday nights. Tx you both for all your effort”

We visted a new market in town called 1Fox – still new, so it’s not over crowded. It has a lot more seating areas than the other markets in town. Far more spacious and they have secure parking. Great spot for a family outing on a Sunday.

We found two dishes that have potential to being great meals, tacos filled with yummy goodies and a trout tagliatelle with seasonal vegetables. We also enjoyed a moist carrot cake and an awesome crêpe filled with delectables.



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