Using Herbs – Fresh and Dried

  • on February 20, 2015
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Fresh Herbs - Weekly Meal Plans

Buying a number of packets of herbs a week can be pricy, however they add so much flavour to your dish that you don’t want to leave them out. You could do the following with left over herbs or where fresh herbs are not available you could substitute with dried herbs.

We use a lot of fresh herbs in our weekly meal plans.

What to do with leftover Herbs?

Freeze them – wash, dry and put into zip-lock bags. When you need them: Simply take out as much as you need, chop and add to your dishes.

What is the ratio of fresh herbs verses dried Herbs?

1/3 of the fresh herb quantity. In other words if you have 1 tablespoon of fresh use 1 teaspoon of dried.

Tip: In summer buy potted herbs. They keep for months if you keep them moist and in a spot that gets a lot of light.  You can save a lot on your herb bill this way. You often get great deals if you buy more than one potted herb at a time. Ours have lasted from mid December till now end of Feb and we are still using them.

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